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AI-Driven Private Wealth Intelligence To Connect With

Powered by industry-leading AI, FINTRX turns data into action, helping firms distribute funds, raise capital, recruit advisors, identify M&A targets, and drive strategic growth.
See why thousands of financial professionals have ditched their legacy data providers and migrated to FINTRX.
Investment Advisors Family Offices Broker-Dealers Wealth Teams Endowments Foundations
FINTRX Platform, RIA Database, Family Office Database

Data Intelligence on Family Offices, RIAs, Broker-Dealers, Wealth Teams, and E&Fs

FINTRX primary location-1

Fund Distribution

Empower your ETF, mutual fund, and product distribution efforts with actionable insights tailored to your goals. Leverage robust FINTRX data to uncover trends, analyze holdings, optimize your distribution strategies, and identify key market opportunities.

Asset Raising

Target the right investors, personalize outreach, and accelerate capital-raising efforts​ with AI-driven intelligence and comprehensive data on over 4,000 family offices, including investment preferences, direct investment activity, and key decision-makers. 

Advisor Recruiting and M&A

Identify high-potential advisor teams, assess recruitment opportunities, and craft strategic pitches. Perfect for targeting wirehouse teams, independent RIAs, or wealth management entities with data-driven insights to enhance your recruiting and acquisition efforts.


Data You Need to Identify, Access, & Sell Into RIAs & Family Offices 

FINTRX offers comprehensive private wealth data intelligence on Family Offices and Registered Investment Advisors (RIA's). Our data ensures you have access to current and accurate information - driving more meetings, increased efficiency & growth for your business.


Data Points


Searchable Fields


Family Office Records  


RIA & Broker Dealers


Direct Emails


Investable Assets


Monthly Updates


FINTRX Native Fields


RIA Database | FINTRX

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

Explore Our Data Intelligence

FINTRX provides best-in-class data intelligence on the global private wealth ecosystem. 
Family Office Data

Family Offices

Global family office entity and contact data intelligence
investment reps

Investment Advisors

End-to-end investment advisor & broker dealer data and research

Broker Dealers

Comprehensive intelligence on broker dealer firms and contacts
Private Wealth Groups

Private Wealth Teams

Wealth teams within wirehouses & independent aggregators

Stock & ETF Holdings

End to end analysis and coverage of advisor portfolios
Direct Transaction Data

Direct Investments

Global coverage of direct investments & private placements
Foundation database. Endowment database.


Global endowment database entity and contact intelligence
foundation data - fintrx


Global foundation database entity and contact intelligence

Discover How Victory Capital Leverages FINTRX to Efficiently Access Registered Investment Advisors.

"The experience with FINTRX has been fantastic. They have partnered with us to meet our exact needs to help focus our sales efforts within the RIA channel."
Paul LeBlanc - VCM
>> Read Case Study

Meet a few of our trusted customers

Best in class asset managers and financial services firms lever FINTRX to map, access, and sell into the global family office & registered investment advisor ecosystem. Learn more below!

Voya_Financial_logo images-1-1 bnym_per_logo_stacked_color-1 images-4 Equitable-b660a898728e4045a55c5d63b9a1d5c7 wells fargo advisors

Powerful Yet User Friendly Interface

RIA expanded search
RIA lists
family office direct deals

Since preparation is a key ingredient to success, our team focuses on resiliency and planning when it comes to customer data.


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