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How Mammoth VC Leverages FINTRX


VC Sector

United States



Year Founded

Mammoth VC


Mammoth VC is a premier venture capital firm that specializes in investing in early-stage startups with high growth potential. Their primary focus is on health and tech-driven companies with the potential to revolutionize industries, create new markets or disrupt existing ones. Mammoth VC's team comprises experienced investors and entrepreneurs who work 

together to identify, fund and support innovative startups. By providing not only capital but also strategic guidance, mentorship, and access to a vast network of industry connections, Mammoth VC helps these startups scale rapidly and achieve long-term success.

"As a long-time Discovery Data user, FINTRX has been a breath of fresh air allowing us seamless access to investment advisors and registered rep data. By leveraging the Data Enrichment technology within FINTRX, we were able to bring nearly 200,000 of our RIA data records current, increase their accuracy, and added hundreds of thousands of data points we did not have prior to running the enrichment. Incredibly valuable solution."

Chief Platform Officer, Mammoth VC

Case Study

Mammoth VC is a premier venture capital firm that specializes in investing in early-stage startups with high growth potential. Their primary focus is on health and tech-driven companies...
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Their Challenge

Prior to joining the FINTRX community, Mammoth found navigating the family office and registered investment advisor ecosystem extremely cumbersome. As a venture capital firm focused on identifying early-stage startups with high growth potential, Mammoth was in need of a prospecting process that ultimately took less time and effort and better results.

Given the challenge of efficiently targeting suitable family office and RIA investors, Jud Mackrill, Chief Platform Officer at Mammoth VC, explains his process: 

"It was like trying to fish in the dark, absolutely crazy all the data we were trying to sort through before working with FINTRX... There are thousands of family offices and RIA’s with a million unique data points." - Jud Mackrill, CPO at Mammoth VC


The Outcome

The Mammoth VC team eventually turned to the FINTRX Private Wealth Data & Research Platform to streamline their efforts, aiming for greater efficiency and more significant results with less exertion. Mammoth now leverages the FINTRX data set of over 4,000 family offices, 40,000+ investment advisory firms and 750,000+ registered reps on a daily basis.

To this day, Mackrill and his team continue to increase efficiency thanks to FINTRX's updated and actionable data and search filters that allow them to shorten their sales cycles and increase touch points across the private wealth ecosystem.

"When we started using FINTRX, it was like our whole world opened up. You can sort by investors interested in Venture Capital, Emerging Managers and it allowed us to effectively narrow our focus so much." - Jud Mackrill, CPO at Mammoth VC

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