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Uncovering Commonalities to Drive Better Family Office Outreach


Today's technological advances makes finding commonalities in your family office network easier than ever before. Extensive family office data and research platforms such as FINTRX make it possible to discover unique similarities that in turn, drive stronger outreach processes. Building relationships with these hidden entities often takes time, nuance and some sort of mutual acquaintance to ensure effective engagement. However, it may be easier than you think. Below, we have outlined a number of proven methodologies to drive better engagement with these inconspicuous wealth entities. 

With an enormous amount of investable capital, family offices are looking for distinct ways to diversify their investment portfolios. This is great news to those looking to raise capital as it provides more opportunities to find, approach, or work alongside these private groups. Before all else, you must have a sound understanding of the intricacies of the space, as well as a clear idea of your needs, goals and purpose(s) for seeking a family office in the first place. This information proves to be advantageous because it helps to then align your interests and values to that of the offices themselves. 

FINTRX Affinity  - family office data connections

You can do this manually within your own network, or leverage technology and evolving algorithms with an offering like our FINTRX Affinity solution. Our data shows these commonalities & shared interest to be incredibly impactful and productive ways to spark meaningful conversations. Find and explore commonalities you share with the key decision makers of nearly 3,000 single and multi-family offices worldwide.

Discover similarities such as shared alumni roots, previous employment history, overlapping years at previous stops, boards or charities they may sit on, and even passions shared outside the office (such as golf, win, art, etc.). Using our savvy algorithms, FINTRX auto-updates your Affinity Score every night at midnight, thereby generating the most optimal matches for your outreach purposes every day. 

Have proactive, persistent & diverse outreach strategies in place.

It is critical to have established outreach strategies for finding and staying connected with those in the family office realm. From past experience, we found the most productive methods for ensuring effective engagement is to be proactive, persistent and diverse. Just as each family has its own system in place, family offices follow suit - by providing distinct services that match the specific needs of the individual(s) or families they serve. Because each office is distinct from one another, it makes finding and leveraging commonalities all the more valuable. Fortunately, we now live in an era with unlimited resources and progressive solutions that make finding common characteristics significantly easier. FINTRX, for example, offers up warm introductions and seamless CRM integrations for making further connections - on LinkedIn, for instance, which you can do directly from our product. This helps ensure amiable opportunities are never missed. 

Continuously work to build your network.

If you are looking to connect with family offices, the best place to begin is in your own backyard, as these will generally be the easiest to reach. Then use this as a base foundation to continue expanding your outreach efforts/family office network. But what if you do not know of any single or multi-family offices nearby? Remember...just because these groups are notoriously inconspicuous, doesn't mean they are inaccessible. It really comes down to your outreach strategies and your ability to continuously evolve with the industry. 

Actively manage & boost your reputation. 

Know what it is you stand for, and don't stop working to make it happen. The more engaged you are within the family office realm, the more appealing you will be to these private wealth managers. Through diligent, persistent and unique outreach techniques, you too will be able to cultivate strong ties with family offices around the world. 

With an enormous amount of investable capital, family offices are looking for distinct ways to diversify their investment portfolios. This is great news to those looking to raise capital, as it provides more opportunities to find, approach and work alongside these private groups. To successfully combat the private wealth markets, we have assembled five powerful ways to reach the attention of family office investors. 

5 Effective Ways to Tackle the Family Office Market

The FINTRX platform is engineered to help you navigate the private wealth landscape, ultimately enabling asset raising professionals to successfully find and attract family office capital. 

For an in-depth exploration of the FINTRX family office platform, click below:


For more practical family office insights and best practices, visit our newly designed 'Resource Library' below. 

FINTRX Resource Library

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