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The Advantages of Family Office Direct Investments


Direct investments have become increasingly common throughout the family office landscape, particularly with regard to single family offices. Throughout the early 2000s sophisticated wealth entities partook in the practice, however, between 2010 and 2015 an increase in the number of family offices, alongside an appetite for investing directly, led to a spike in direct transactions. As a result of our recent report, in partnership with Charles Schwab, we have identified numerous factors that contribute to the prevalence of direct investments across the family office vertical.

From 2010-2015, the alternative wealth space and private capital markets saw the largest percentage increase in family office direct investment activity of any five year period since 1990.  Since then, more than two thirds of family offices founded after 2015 are actively participating in direct investment opportunities.

Using a cross-section of our complete data set to provide what we believe to be the most accurate representation of the global family office market, we present the following commentary on the direct investment activity within the family office landscape.

Why direct investments? Discover more on our findings in our latest brief - download below.

The Advantages of Family Office Direct InvestmentsAccess Your Full Copy

FINTRX delivers an industry-leading suite of family office data and research solutions to the alternative wealth space and private capital markets. Engineered to help asset raising professionals identify and access family office capital effectively and efficiently, the FINTRX platform offers high-level family office data and research, built with an intuitive approach.  

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