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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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Industry News (3)

FINTRX Welcomes Six New Team Members

FINTRX is excited to announce the recent hiring of six new team members - Amy Chang as Data Science Engineer, Vincent Xu as Data Science & Analytics Associate, Colin Aylward, Emma Kelly, and Steven LeBlanc as Business Development Analysts, in...

Three Family Offices Investing in Blockchain

In utilizing the FINTRX Family Office Data & Research platform, which provides insight and analytics into thousands of direct deal transactions made by family offices worldwide, we uncover three family offices investing in blockchain technology and ...

Three Family Offices Investing in Cannabis

Family offices around the world are fueling the growth of the cannabis industry and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years. Oftentimes, single and multi-family offices seek opportunities to invest in new, upcoming markets that can...

Top Family Office Industry Articles From 2018

Our Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018

Family Office Growth In India

Family Office Growth in India is Only Just Beginning

Next generation entrepreneurs exiting their businesses have now begun to focus on wealth creation. The result? Family office adoption.

Family Office Private Equity Allocations Expected to Rise 73% by 2019

Family Office Private Equity Allocations Expected to Rise 73% by 2019

According to a recent report by Campden Wealth, family office allocations to private equity are expected to rise 73% between 2017 and 2019. This results in an average rise from...

Singapore & Hong Kong are Booming with Family Offices

Over the past year alone, Singapore and Hong Kong were two of the fastest growing family office markets globally. "The rich are favoring family offices as they get personalized attention and are able to have a bigger say in the management of their...

Family Office Real Estate Trends

Family offices continue to increase real estate exposure...

Tricor Pacific Capital Evolves Into Family Office

Tricor Pacific Capital Evolves Into Family Office

Tricor Pacific Capital has evolved into a single-family office the invests its own capital inter-generationally in a portfolio of diversified food and industrial businesses, along with real estate...