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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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FINTRX Updates (5)

FINTRX Family Office Data Report August 2019

As we enter the final quarter of 2019, please find a comprehensive summary of our data activity for the month of August. 

New Release: Updated Smart Search

FINTRX is excited to announce that we have enhanced our family office Smart Search feature to provide a more efficient way of searching single and multi-family office data utilizing shortcuts and recent queries. We've provided further color on this...

New Release: List Indicator

FINTRX is excited to release a new feature within our family office data solution and prospecting tool that easily identifies the investors and contacts that already live on at least one of your personal lists. Read ahead for further insight...

New Release: Family Office Year Established

Within the FINTRX family office data solution, users can now immediately target family offices by the year in which they were founded. 

New Release: FINTRX Mobile Version

FINTRX is pleased to announce the launch of our mobile application. Compatible with all mobile devices, and formatted specifically for your mobile screen, the FINTRX mobile app was created to provide you with instantaneous interactions and access to...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report May 2019

As we enter the final month of Q2 2019, please find a comprehensive summary of our data activity for the month of May.

New Release: Family Office Impact Investor Filter

FINTRX is pleased to share that we have added a new search filter to our family office Power Search module. Users now have the ability to query family offices based off their interest in impact/ESG investing.

New Release: Family Office Enhanced Keyword Search

FINTRX is excited to share that we have greatly improved our family office "Keyword" search filter. We have evolved this feature to provide users with the most efficient search tool possible. 

FINTRX Q1 2019 Family Office Data Report

Q1 was a very busy quarter for our data and research team here at FINTRX. We kicked off 2019 by adding and updating hundreds of family office dossiers and key contacts within our platform. Below is a quick overview of our Q1 family office activity...

New Release: Family Office Buy-Side Platform

FINTRX Buy-Side Has Arrived!