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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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FINTRX Updates (3)

FINTRX Smart Bio's: Building Stronger Connections with Family Office & RIA Contacts

At FINTRX, we are constantly striving to empower our users with the most comprehensive and valuable data to enhance their prospecting and relationship-building efforts. We are excited to announce the addition of Smart Bio's to our private wealth...

FINTRX Private Wealth Group Data Launched

In an effort to provide the most expansive and comprehensive data coverage of the investment advisor landscape, we are proud to unveil our latest edition to the FINTRX Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Platform: Private Wealth Groups. This new...

August 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

As always, we're excited to share with you the latest developments and additions to FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering and the...

July 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

We are excited to share the latest developments for FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering and the FINTRX user experience. Continue...

June 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

We are excited to share the latest developments for FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering and the FINTRX user experience. Continue...

May 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

We are excited to share the latest developments for FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering and the FINTRX user experience. Below,...

April 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

As always, we're excited to share with you the latest developments and additions to FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering. Here,...

March 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

As always, we're excited to share with you the latest developments and additions to FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering. Here,...

FINTRX 2022 Product & Data Year In Review

A look back at some of the most significant data and product additions and enhancements that we made in 2022!

FINTRX Launches iOS iPhone & iPad Mobile Apps

FINTRX announces the release of our native iOS iPhone & iPad apps, delivering our best-in-class private wealth data intelligence to your mobile device.