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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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FINTRX Updates (2)

FINTRX Launches Personalized Data Suite to Enhance the Way Firms Recruit Advisors

FINTRX, the leading wealth management data provider to the financial services industry, is excited to announce the launch of its Personalized Rep Data Suite. This new offering introduces 1.6 million additional personalized data points on independent...

What's New at FINTRX | July 2024

Explore the latest product developments and happenings at FINTRX, the leading family office & investment advisor data intelligence platform. We are excited to share our journey with you as we continue to grow as a company, innovate, and enhance the...

FINTRX Introduces Detailed ETF Metrics for Enhanced Advisor Insights

In an effort to provide the most expansive and comprehensive data coverage of the investment advisor landscape, FINTRX is proud to offer best-in-class data on ETFs and equity portfolios within our industry-leading RIA & Broker Dealer...

FINTRX Launches Relationship Path for iOS Mobile App

FINTRX is proud announce the launch of Relationship Path within our industry-leading data intelligence iOS Mobile App. In the investment landscape, being able to swiftly and effectively identify prospects, make connections and close...

What's New at FINTRX | May 2024

Discover the latest product developments and happenings at FINTRX, the leading family office & investment advisor data intelligence platform. We are excited to share our journey with you as we continue to grow as a company, innovate and enhance the...

What's New at FINTRX | April 2024

Explore the latest product developments and happenings at FINTRX, the leading family office & investment advisor data intelligence platform. We are excited to share our journey with you as we continue to grow as a company, innovate and enhance the...

An AI Power Play: FINTRX Fuels Innovation in Private Wealth Data

The private wealth data landscape is experiencing a notable shift fueled by the ongoing advancements of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. FINTRX, the leading private wealth data intelligence platform, is leveraging the power of AI to...

What's New at FINTRX | March 2024

Discover the latest product developments and happenings at FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform. We are excited to share our journey with you as we continue to grow as a company, innovate...

Relationship Path: AI-Powered Relationship Intelligence for Financial Professionals

FINTRX is proud to introduce the next generation of relationship mapping capability for financial professionals: Relationship Path. In the investment landscape, being able to swiftly and effectively identify prospects, make...

What's New at FINTRX | February 2024

Discover the latest product developments and happenings at FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform. We are excited to share our journey with you as we continue to grow as a company, innovate...