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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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FINTRX Family Office Data Report Q3 2021

Q3 of 2021 continued to be a busy one for FINTRX and the private capital markets altogether. Throughout July, August, and September 2021, the FINTRX data and research team added and updated hundreds of family office profiles and key contacts within...

FINTRX Monthly Family Office Data Report: August 2021

Although family offices have been around for some time, we've seen rapid growth in their development over the past decade especially. To showcase this model of growth, FINTRX has compiled a full breakdown of all new and updated family office data...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report: First Half of 2021

FINTRX kicked off the first half of 2021 by adding and updating thousands of family office profiles and key contacts within our family office database. In continuing our mission to provide capital-raising professionals access to unparalleled family...

Family Offices Directly Investing in Multifamily Residential Properties

With the growing need for housing around the U.S., multifamily residential properties remain a preferred property type for the bulk of family offices, according to industry experts. Having learned from missed opportunities a decade ago, many...

FINTRX Monthly Family Office Data Report: May 2021

Global family office developments continue to transform the operational methods of those within the alternative investment industry and private capital markets. To showcase this model of growth and development, we have compiled a complete breakdown...

Family Office Wealth Origin Series: Sports & Media

The family office vertical represents a highly diversified section of the private wealth landscape. Given the private nature of these groups, they often allocate capital with fewer restraints compared to their institutional counterparts. A...

Family Offices Making Early-Stage Direct Investments

For individuals starting a business, Covid has surely turned the world upside down. Many entrepreneurs aren't sure if investors have closed their doors for good, whether they should adjust their valuation, or if they should forgo all hope of...

FINTRX Monthly Family Office Data Report: April 2021

Global family office developments continue to transform the operational methods of those within the alternative investment industry and private capital markets. To showcase this model of growth and development, we have compiled a complete breakdown...

Family Office Wealth Origin Series: Healthcare

As the leading family office data and research provider, FINTRX continues to see individuals and organizations following similar principles and procedures of family offices. This narrative looks into a specific cross-section of family office...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report Q1 2021

FINTRX kicked off Q1 of 2021 by adding and updating hundreds of family office profiles and key contacts within our family office data and research platform. To shine a light on the growing private wealth space, we have constructed a Q1 2021 Family...