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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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Notable Reps On the Move: The Aftermath of the First Republic Bank Collapse

The banking crisis of 2023 hit markets hard in Q1 and Q2 as several large-scale banks collapsed, including San Francisco-based banking giant, First Republic, causing billions of dollars in managed assets to be redistributed across the industry as...

June 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

We are excited to share the latest developments for FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering and the FINTRX user experience. Continue...

May '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

In an effort to shine a light on the private wealth ecosystem, FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the following data report to provide a high-level synopsis of the private wealth landscape for May 2023. This report offers an...

Maximize Returns: Making Data-Driven Investment Decisions with FINTRX

In today's complex and ever-changing investment landscape, making data-driven investment decisions has become increasingly important. FINTRX - the leader in family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence - plays a critical...

Recent Evolutions Across the Family Office Space

The private wealth sphere continues to evolve and expand, with family offices increasingly emerging as influential entities in the investment landscape. With substantial capital at their disposal, family offices have sought to diversify their...

10 Global Hotspots for Family Offices: Where the Wealthiest Manage Their Assets

As the number of high-net-worth individuals continues to increase globally, the demand for family offices has grown significantly. With the growing prominence of family offices, identifying key global centers where wealth is managed has become...

May 2023 FINTRX Updates & Additions

We are excited to share the latest developments for FINTRX, the leading family office & registered investment advisor (RIA) data intelligence platform, as we continue to innovate and enhance our data offering and the FINTRX user experience. Below,...

FINTRX Industry Spotlight: 25 Women-Led Single Family Offices

We are proud to present our most recent report, focusing on 25 single-family offices across the United States, all of which are managed and led by women. This examination stands as a testament to the comprehensive research carried out by the FINTRX...

FINTRX Integrations: Streamlining Your Workflow & Boosting Efficiency

FINTRX CRM integrations provide a strategic advantage by simplifying data management and providing comprehensive insights into the family office and RIA sectors. Aimed at optimizing workflows and improving decision-making processes, FINTRX...

April 23' Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

In an effort to shine a light on the private wealth ecosystem, FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report to provide a high-level synopsis of the investment advisory landscape for April...