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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts about:

Family Offices (5)

2023 FINTRX Family Office & RIA Yearly Roundup

On behalf of FINTRX, the leading Family Office and Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Data solution, it is our pleasure to share the 2023 Family Office & RIA Yearly Roundup. In this unique newsletter edition, we explore several main themes of the...

FINTRX Launches FINTRX 360 LinkedIn Integration

We are excited to introduce FINTRX 360, an innovative data integration within LinkedIn designed to enhance your networking experience and streamline your workflow between LinkedIn and the FINTRX platform. As a trusted provider of family office and ...

FINTRX Founder & CEO, Russ D'Argento, Featured on 'Internal Use Only' Podcast

Russ D'Argento, Founder and CEO of FINTRX, was featured on the 'Internal Use Only' Podcast to discuss his journey from a personal pain point of raising capital in the private wealth space to building a highly successful data intelligence platform,...

FINTRX Smart Bio's: Building Stronger Connections with Family Office & RIA Contacts

At FINTRX, we are constantly striving to empower our users with the most comprehensive and valuable data to enhance their prospecting and relationship-building efforts. We are excited to announce the addition of Smart Bio's to our private wealth...

November '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

Each month, FINTRX Family Office & Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Platform adds and updates thousands of family office, investment advisor, contact, tracked investment and asset datapoints to our dataset. To showcase this model of growth and ...

October '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

Each month, FINTRX Family Office & Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Platform adds and updates thousands of family office, investment advisor, contact, tracked investment and asset datapoints to our dataset. To showcase this model of growth and ...

The Rise of ESG Investing Among Family Offices

Environmental, social, and corporate governance factors have always been a consideration for family office investors and businesses, but it wasn't until the last decade or so that awareness of ESG topics has skyrocketed. Investing for social...

FINTRX Private Wealth Data Report, Q3 2023

As the leading private wealth data intelligence solution, FINTRX is pleased to release the next iteration of our quarterly Private Wealth Data Report. This report serves as a high-level synopsis of the global investment advisor and family...

August '23 Family Office & RIA Monthly Data Report

In an effort to shine a light on the private wealth ecosystem, FINTRX Family Office & RIA Database provider has compiled the following data report to provide a high-level synopsis of the private wealth landscape for August 2023. This report offers...

3 Family Offices Investing in Hospitality Companies

By harnessing the power of the FINTRX Private Wealth Data Platform, we explore five family offices that are channeling their investments into private hospitality companies. Drawing from comprehensive data and research on thousands of transactions...