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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts about:

Family Offices (20)

Three Family Offices Investing in Blockchain

In utilizing the FINTRX Family Office Data & Research platform, which provides insight and analytics into thousands of direct deal transactions made by family offices worldwide, we uncover three family offices investing in blockchain technology and ...

Three Family Offices Investing in Cannabis

Family offices around the world are fueling the growth of the cannabis industry and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years. Oftentimes, single and multi-family offices seek opportunities to invest in new, upcoming markets that can...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report August 2019

As we enter the final quarter of 2019, please find a comprehensive summary of our data activity for the month of August. 

New Release: Updated Smart Search

FINTRX is excited to announce that we have enhanced our family office Smart Search feature to provide a more efficient way of searching single and multi-family office data utilizing shortcuts and recent queries. We've provided further color on this...

Mid 2019 Family Office Direct Investment Report

With the first half of 2019 already in the books, we've constructed a comprehensive family office direct investment report that provides insight on the investing trends for the first half of the year. The information contained here, constructed from

Interview with Nisa Amoils, Venture & Growth Tech Investor at Mordan Capital

We sat down with Nisa Amoils to discuss a number of items within the technology and private wealth space. Nisa has been named one of Business Insider’s 30 Women in Venture Capital to Watch in 2018, and Top 100 women in Fintech in 2019 by LATTICE80....

Direct Investment Regional Breakdown

The FINTRX Buy-Side data solution and prospecting tool tracks direct investments made by family offices into over 93 industries worldwide. As we continue to track the direct investment activity within the global family office space - via our FINTRX...

Interview with Catherine Grum, KPMG Head of Family Office Services UK

We sat down with Catherine Grum the head of KPMG's Family Office Services based in the UK. Catherine assists enterprising families establish and run their family offices. Catherine acts as a sounding board and trusted adviser to family members and...

Interview with John Clifford, Conrad Family Office

John Clifford is the Founder and Managing Director of London-based Conrad Family Office. Conrad Family Office is an independent multi-family office based in London providing HNW and UHNW clientele with a range of personal and confidential services....

FINTRX Family Office Data Report May 2019

As we enter the final month of Q2 2019, please find a comprehensive summary of our data activity for the month of May.