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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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Family Offices (18)

December 2019 Family Office Data Report

Hundreds of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage the FINTRX platform to target and connect with family office capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into a single one-stop solution, we...

November 2019 Family Office Data Report

Hundreds of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage FINTRX to target family office capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into a single one-stop solution, FINTRX provides further analysis into...

Uncovering Commonalities to Drive Better Family Office Outreach

Today's technological advances makes finding commonalities in your family office network easier than ever before. Extensive family office data and research platforms such as FINTRX make it possible to discover unique similarities that in turn, drive...

5 Effective Ways to Tackle the Family Office Market

The family office landscape is opaque by nature. This makes finding, approaching and maintaining strong relationships with those in the private wealth space daunting and laborious tasks for many. Given the unique standards, most individuals and...

Why Family Offices Continue to Shift Towards Direct Investments

Family offices continue to reassess traditional approaches to asset allocation, ultimately shying away from the conventional methods of portfolio construction. At an increasing rate, these savvy wealth vehicles are plunging into direct investment...

October 2019 Family Office Data Report

Hundreds of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage FINTRX to target family office capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into a single one-stop solution, FINTRX provides further analysis into...

The Allure of Real Estate Investing for Family Offices

The real estate market is a favorable territory for family offices, individual investors, and institutional investors worldwide. Utilizing our leading family office data and research tool, FINTRX continues to highlight family offices making direct...

Family Offices Continue to Get Younger & Trend Toward Impact Investing

Several indicators highlight the continuously growing trend of family offices increasing their allocations to impact-focused funds and companies. To understand this trend, let us begin with the overall spike in the prevalence of environmental,...

5 Family Offices Making Impact Investments

Impact investing has experienced immense growth in the last decade, outperforming the benchmark for eight out of the last 10 years, according to the MSCI ESG Leaders Index. Using FINTRX, the leading family office data and research platform, which...

10 Reasons Why Family Offices Make Great Investors

Over the past thirty years or so, family offices have become the preeminent financial model for the ultra wealthy. This amassing of capital has resulted in the family office becoming an intricate player within the private capital markets. As the...