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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts about:

Family Offices (16)

5 Family Offices Investing in Renewable Energy

In utilizing the FINTRX family office data and research platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct deal transactions made by 3,000+ family offices worldwide, we explore five family offices directly investing in the renewable energy...

3 Family Offices Investing in Sustainable Energy Solutions

In utilizing the FINTRX family office data platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct deal transactions made by 3,000+ family offices worldwide, we explore three family offices directly investing in sustainable and renewable energy...

3 Family Offices Investing in Oil & Gas Companies

In utilizing the FINTRX private wealth data & research platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct deal transactions made by nearly 3,700+ family offices worldwide, we explore three family offices making direct investments in the oil and...

Family Office Industry Report Released | Part 3 of 3

Since its inception, FINTRX has remained dedicated to providing high-quality family office intel to our global client base. Given this, we are thrilled to present the third and final edition of our Family Office Industry Briefing Series in...

3 Family Offices Investing in Life Sciences

In utilizing the FINTRX family office data and research platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct deal transactions made by nearly 3,000 family offices worldwide, we explore three family offices directly investing across the life...

3 Family Offices Investing in Education

As various industries continue to gain traction from family offices, we continue to shine a light on the alternative wealth space and private capital markets by providing detailed analysis with regard to the past investment history of these private...

5 Family Offices Investing in Cannabis

As various industries continue to gain traction from family offices, we continue to shine a light on the alternative wealth space and private capital markets by providing detailed analysis regarding the past investment history of these private...

FINTRX 2020 Year in Review

2020 was a year unlike any other and as with other industries, an unpredictable market environment brought the family office landscape into uncharted waters. Over the course of 2020, family offices underwent numerous changes and continued expansion,...

3 Single Family Offices Established 60+ Years Ago

As numerous industries continue to see success with single and multi-family offices, FINTRX aims to shine a light on the alternative wealth space and private capital markets by offering valuable intel regarding these private wealth entities. In...

3 Family Offices Investing in Real Estate

As various industries continue to gain traction from family offices, we continue to shine a light on the alternative wealth space and private capital markets by providing detailed analysis regarding the past investment history of these private...