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Private Wealth Research & Insights

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Best Practices (4)

3 Ways the FINTRX Platform Increases our Clients' Efficiency

Particularly in light of our current economic environment, it undoubtedly pays to have a highly efficient workflow. In utilizing the FINTRX family office and data platform, the outdated and lagging methods of prospecting family offices are overcome,...

How our Clients are Optimizing FINTRX with Customization

Universally, we are all trying to find ways to promote efficiency and best allocate the time we have to execute our roles and responsibilities in the office (or as of late - at home). The FINTRX solution delivers industry-leading family office...

Valuation is Now Even More Important in Alternative Investments

Current Client Spotlight  | Written by: James C. Row of  Entoro Capital

If private placement valuation was important and considered as an option in 2019, it has become a requirement in 2020. In fact, any alternative investment must undertake an...

3 Ways our Clients are Utilizing FINTRX While Working Remotely

During these unpredictable and isolating times, there seems to be one constant that many of us are sharing - and that is the 'new normal' of suddenly working from home. With more time in front of the computer and the inability to travel, many of us...

FINTRX 2020 Family Office Hedge Fund Activity Report

FINTRX is excited to share our 2020 Family Office Hedge Fund Activity Report. In this report, you will find an in-depth analysis into why hedge funds should target family office capital. The report provides a regional breakdown, family offices...

3 Recent Family Office Direct Investment Deals

Over the past few years, family offices around the world have increased in size, number and sophistication. Along with this transition has come a drastic change in their investment approach, particularly showing a growing interest in transparency...

2019 FINTRX Family Office Data Review

With the new year already upon us, FINTRX constructed the 2019 FINTRX Family Office Data Review to reflect on various data trends that emerged within the alternative investment industry over the past year and how this evolving landscape helped shape...

December 2019 Family Office Data Report

Hundreds of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage the FINTRX platform to target and connect with family office capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into a single one-stop solution, we...

How to Get the Most out of Family Office Conferences & Events

Conferences are a reality in the business world. Regardless of your profession, level of experience or the industry in which you work, networking events provide invaluable opportunities to enhance your career and personal growth. Given the...

November 2019 Family Office Data Report

Hundreds of the world's asset managers, bankers, private businesses and fund managers leverage FINTRX to target family office capital. Blending research, analytics and technology into a single one-stop solution, FINTRX provides further analysis into...