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Private Wealth Research & Insights

FINTRX Monthly Family Office Data Report: August 2021

Although family offices have been around for some time, we've seen rapid growth in their development over the past decade especially. To showcase this model of growth, FINTRX has compiled a full breakdown of all new and updated family office data...

3 Family Offices Investing in Construction & Manufacturing Companies

Opportunities to allocate capital directly are more prevalent now than ever, and family offices are at the center of this growing trend. In utilizing the FINTRX family office data and research platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct...

3 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Maine

Registered investment advisors (RIAs) are undoubtedly best positioned to serve high-net-worth families and individuals seeking an alignment of interests between the firm and client. To shine a light on the growing RIA channel, FINTRX explores three...

3 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Kentucky

Registered investment advisors (RIAs) are undoubtedly best positioned to serve high-net-worth families and individuals seeking an alignment of interests between the firm and client. To shine a light on the growing RIA channel, FINTRX explores three...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report: First Half of 2021

FINTRX kicked off the first half of 2021 by adding and updating thousands of family office profiles and key contacts within our family office database. In continuing our mission to provide capital-raising professionals access to unparalleled family...

3 Family Offices Investing in Fintech Companies

Opportunities to allocate capital directly are more prevalent now than ever, and family offices are at the center of this growing trend. In utilizing the FINTRX family office data and research platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct...

3 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Arizona

Registered investment advisors (RIAs) are undoubtedly best positioned to serve high-net-worth families and individuals seeking an alignment of interests between the firm and client. To shine a light on the growing RIA channel, FINTRX explores three...

3 Family Offices Contributing to Nonprofit Organizations

In utilizing the FINTRX family office data and research platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct deal transactions made by 3,090+ family offices worldwide, we explore three family offices contributing to nonprofit organizations and...

3 Family Offices Investing in Technology Companies

Opportunities to allocate capital directly are more prevalent now than ever, and family offices are at the center of this growing trend. In utilizing the FINTRX family office data and research platform, which provides intel into thousands of direct...

3 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Vermont

Registered investment advisors (RIAs) are perhaps best positioned to serve high-net-worth families seeking an alignment of interests between the firm and client. To shine a light on the growing RIA channel, FINTRX explores three of the largest...