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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts by

Renae Hatcher

Renae Hatcher is a member of the marketing team at FINTRX - focused on delivering targeted & relevant family office and registered investment advisor content to our subscribers.

Direct Investment Regional Breakdown

The FINTRX Buy-Side data solution and prospecting tool tracks direct investments made by family offices into over 93 industries worldwide. As we continue to track the direct investment activity within the global family office space - via our FINTRX...

New Release: List Indicator

FINTRX is excited to release a new feature within our family office data solution and prospecting tool that easily identifies the investors and contacts that already live on at least one of your personal lists. Read ahead for further insight...

New Release: Family Office Year Established

Within the FINTRX family office data solution, users can now immediately target family offices by the year in which they were founded.