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Private Wealth Research & Insights

Posts by

Renae Hatcher

Renae Hatcher is a member of the marketing team at FINTRX - focused on delivering targeted & relevant family office and registered investment advisor content to our subscribers.

Family Offices Making Early-Stage Direct Investments

For individuals starting a business, Covid has surely turned the world upside down. Many entrepreneurs aren't sure if investors have closed their doors for good, whether they should adjust their valuation, or if they should forgo all hope of...

3 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Ohio

In an effort to highlight prominent RIAs, FINTRX - the leading wealth management data provider - spotlights three of the largest registered investment advisors in Ohio, each serving high-net-worth clients with expert financial guidance and a...

3 Family Offices Investing in Green Energy Companies

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green energy provides the highest environmental benefit and includes power produced by solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, hydroelectric, and certain eligible biomass sources. Green energy...

5 Family Offices Investing in Manufacturing Companies

Family offices have always been an important feature of the investment landscape, bringing a unique perspective and time horizon to the private wealth space. As family offices grow in size and power, the more progressive ones are using a direct...

5 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Rhode Island

Registered investment advisors are seeing record-breaking growth in the number of firms and assets under management, ultimately underscoring our significant value to investors, the economy, and private capital markets. With lingering uncertainty in...

FINTRX Monthly Family Office Data Report: April 2021

Global family office developments continue to transform the operational methods of those within the alternative investment industry and private capital markets. To showcase this model of growth and development, we have compiled a complete breakdown...

Family Office Wealth Origin Series: Healthcare

As the leading family office data and research provider, FINTRX continues to see individuals and organizations following similar principles and procedures of family offices. This narrative looks into a specific cross-section of family office...

3 Family Offices Investing in Cybersecurity

In today's digital age, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern, not just for corporations and governments but also for private and family-owned businesses. Recognizing the critical importance of safeguarding digital assets, an increasing...

3 Largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in Michigan

Businesses and high-net-worth families and individuals continue to turn to RIAs for their self-governing nature, fiduciary value, and sophisticated financial expertise. In an effort to shine a light on the RIA landscape, FINTRX explores three of the...

FINTRX Family Office Data Report Q1 2021

FINTRX kicked off Q1 of 2021 by adding and updating hundreds of family office profiles and key contacts within our family office data and research platform. To shine a light on the growing private wealth space, we have constructed a Q1 2021 Family...